
Strength TogetHER 17- Session 9

26th February, 2022. We conducted our 9th session for Strength TogetHER Cohort 17 on the topic, “Gender Stereotype” at Jumla in partnership with ZONTA Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the women with the objective to improve the economy, health and issues related to youth and violence against women. Our moderator for the day was Mrs. Soni Joshi.  Mrs. Soni Joshi is a member of ZONTA. She is a  gender specialist, and educationalist who has been working for 30 plus years.  We started our session with the moderator's story. She shared that her mother passed away while she was pregnant, and was not allowed to pay her last respect. She was told it would be bad luck, and not good for her and her baby to touch, or be around the deceased. She was not happy with this and complained to her father. As her father had always been supportive of her, he supported her then as well and told her to do what she thinks is the right th

Strength TogetHER 17 - Session 8

19th February, 2022. We conducted a virtual session on the topic, “Small things that makes me happy” at Jumla partnering with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working for the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, eudcation, health and issues related to youth and violence against women. The session was moderated by Mrs. Dolma Lama who is a teacher and Media coordinator in Brihaspati VidyaSadan. She is also a secretary of the sports and environment commission of the Nepal Olympic Committee. She has moderated multiple sessions conducted by Lokopakar.  We started the session with a light introduction from our moderator. She shared that she is someone who feels happy with small things. And, meeting new people, walking in the park, etc makes her happy, and she is good at finding happiness in small moments as well.  One of the participants shared that her father had bought her a jacket when she was 10 yea

Strength TogetHER 17- Session 7

February 12,2022. On 12th February, 2022 we conducted an online session on the topic, “A time I felt sad” partnering with the ZONTA Club of Kathmandu. Zonta club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, education, health and issues related to youth and violence against women.  Our moderator for the session was Miss. Rosy Karna, who is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at the PGSP Stanford Psy.D. Consortium Program. As an aspiring clinical psychologist, her long term goal is to utilize her clinical knowledge and experience to establish a better mental health care system in Nepal.  We started our session with the first participant's story. She shared that when she joined Forestry, she didn’t like being in the class. But, later she attended the classes and started liking it. She made a lot of friends and was enjoying the classes when her friends stopped talking to

Strength TogetHER 17 - Session 6

  29th January,2022 Lokopakar in partnership with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu has been conducting virtual sessions with participants from Jumla. This is our Cohort 17. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, education, health and issues related to youth and violence against women. We started our session, “Catcalling is not normal, & social media abuse” at 10 AM on 29th January, 2022. Our moderator for the day was Mrs. Ratna Karki. We started the session with our participant’s stories which they had either heard, or seen or something that had experienced before. One of the participants mentioned, Boys tease around but whatever they say we have to be silent and we just keep quiet. If we do something back we will lose our respect. One of our participants shared during her Grade 10 they used to go far away for tuition. The roads were round and round. Boys used to stay in the round

Strength TogetHER 17- Session 5

8th January,2022 "LEADERS BLEED, PERIOD" Lokopakar is a youth-based organization that is currently running four programs among which Strength TogetHER is one of its projects where a group of girls from different backgrounds meet virtually and share their stories, insecurities, ideas, perspectives and help each other grow. In each session, a moderator is invited who listens, appreciates, and guides the participants. On 8th, January, we conducted a session of cohort 17 on the topic "My First Period", with the girls of Jumla in presence of the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. The session is Jumla is conducted in partnership with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, education, health, and issues related to youth and violence against women. Our moderator was Ms. Dipisha Bhujel, a social activist who has been working in the field of menstruatio

Strength TogetHER 17- Session 4

25th December 2021. Lokopakar is a youth development organization currently running four programs; Mragadarshan, UUDAN, Strength TogetHER and Think Ink. Strength TogetHer is specially designed for girls where they meet once in two weeks and share their insecurities, ideas, perspectives, and stories. This safe platform has been empowering young girls by inspiring them to be vocal about what matters to them. It has been running its session both online and in physical presence moderated by an expert in the related topic. The session is Jumla is conducted in partnership with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, education, health, and issues related to youth and violence against women. On the 25th of December 2021, a session of cohort 17 was conducted virtually with the girls of Jumla. Enthusiastic girls from such a geographically challenged place showed

Strength TogetHER 17 - Session 3

December 11, 2021 On the morning of 11th December 2021, we started our virtual session with our enthusiastic participants from Jumla on the topic “A Time I Supported Someone” in partnership with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working on the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, education, health, and issues related to youth and violence against women. “We have two hands. One to help others and the other one to help ourselves” with this quote we started our session with a short introduction from our moderator Ms. Bhawana Malla Baniya. Ms. Bhawana Malla has been involved with Lokopakar for the last one and half years. She has already moderated 20+ different topics.  We started by hearing a story of one of the participants, she shared that one of the sisters in her village had low vision in the past, and due to the lack of proper health service she couldn’t get it checked and as a result, she has lo