Strength TogetHER 17 - Session 8

19th February, 2022.

We conducted a virtual session on the topic, “Small things that makes me happy” at Jumla partnering with the Zonta Club of Kathmandu. Zonta Club is a legally registered NGO that has been working for the advancement of the status of women with the objective to improve the economy, eudcation, health and issues related to youth and violence against women. The session was moderated by Mrs. Dolma Lama who is a teacher and Media coordinator in Brihaspati VidyaSadan. She is also a secretary of the sports and environment commission of the Nepal Olympic Committee. She has moderated multiple sessions conducted by Lokopakar. 

We started the session with a light introduction from our moderator. She shared that she is someone who feels happy with small things. And, meeting new people, walking in the park, etc makes her happy, and she is good at finding happiness in small moments as well. 

One of the participants shared that her father had bought her a jacket when she was 10 years old. She added that the jacket was pretty, and still has it. She feels happy when she sees the jacket even now. 

“During Dashain, I meet my family and friends, this makes me extremely happy”, shared our other participant. 

Mrs. Mukta Shrestha, a member of Zonta shared, she becomes happy when others appreciate small things she does and the best feeling is when her daughters compliment the food she cooks.

Our other participant shared that her father was bedridden after an accident.The doctors at the hospital recommended he get treated at a hospital in the city before he got worse. Then, they went to India, and he got better. She shared that this was her most happy moment in life. She also shared that she gets happy when people appreciate the food she cooks. 

“I have a best friend who always gives me suggestions and constructive criticisms. This has helped me become a better person. So, receiving these suggestions makes me happy,”  shared our other participant. 

Another participant shared that she feels happy when her mother gives her permission to go out with her friends and, also when her mother compliments her for doing house chores. 

“My best friend and I had an argument and we stopped talking to each other until her mother came to my house and we reconciled”. She shared that this has been the most happy moment in her life so far. 

I feel happy to join these sessions and share my feelings with everyone here, which I don’t get to share with others, shared by another participant.

Others shared that they felt happy to return to school and meet friends after the long COVID lockdown. Another participant shared that she felt happy when there was snowfall at Jumla. 

Lastly our moderator concluded the session stating that big happiness comes only once in a while but small happiness comes daily or on a regular basis. So, talking about it, or finding happiness in small things becomes a daily mood freshener and provides motivation. The major take away for the session was, “smile/ happiness transfers faster than COVID”.


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